Thursday, August 12, 2010

Signs Signs Everywhere Signs

I‘m one of those people who is always looking for a sign. That leads to two things. First, I wonder if I see signs everywhere. Second, I over-analyze to the point when I suspect none of them are really signs after all. Yes, I’m aware there is probably a DSM-IV diagnosis that fits, but let’s not go there.

I spend a lot of time and energy pondering the meaning and purpose of my life. Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing in terms of vocation? Am I serving my highest purpose? All the while I’m parallel praying that I’m not! Thus, I seek THE SIGN. I just wish it would come in the form of certified mail to remove any risk of misinterpretation.

The other morning when I got to the office, I immediately noticed a teeny configuration of yellow eggs (at least I think they’re some kind of egg) in the shape of a fish on my window. What? See the attached photo for yourself. No? Squint a little bit. Ah, there it is, right? I figure this must be a sign, kind of like the spider web in “Charlotte’s Web,” or the Virgin Mary toast. But what does it mean? Is it a sign of rebirth (if they are in fact eggs)? Is it a spiritual omen (think Jesus fish)? Should I “swim” away from my desk? Am I destined to be a marine biologist? Actually, probably not that one given my phobia of green water.

I continue to search for potential fish significance, but I remind myself that while it’s fine to wait for new directions and adventures, it’s most important to actively participate in my present life – every single day. My world is filled with signs of abundance and love and I’m oh-so-grateful for them. In my search for ever-greater fulfillment and satisfaction, I must not forget to acknowledge and appreciate the great gifts I’ve already received.

In all honesty, I think I’ll always seek new directions, no matter what adventures unfold. I guess that’s not a bad thing. Whatever signs I get, whether via mailbox or window aquarium, I just want to be ready and aware, so I get it right. So far I’m not getting any strong vibes on what the fish means. I’ll keep you posted if anything shows up on my toast in the morning.

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